It is very important to understand that this is only an evaluation tool, and not a predictive tool. Marketing is an extremely fluid and dynamic discipline.
QS helps us to place some quantitative handles on the wide array of abstract and disparate components which may contribute to a product's potential success. We can then use the results as a starting point from which we begin to formulate an effective marketing strategy.
Over the years we have developed a number of proprietary tools and techniques to make the service we provide more meaningful. One of these tools is an extremely helpful analytical system for evaluating products or projects.
We call this system "Quantified Subjectivity" or "QS".
The way QS works is that we first look at a product or project to determine the most important characteristics, steps, features, or benefits which should be components to its success. Then we apply values to each component through application of purely subjective judgment based on years of marketing experience. We finally begin to piece each component together like pieces in a puzzle, ensuring that their relative values are appropriate.
Once we are done, we may apply this new QS formula to this or any similar product or project and be rewarded with a meaningful numeric indication of its relative potential to succeed in the marketplace.